Crop Science Degree Program at Montana State University

The challenge for crop scientists is to implement crop and soil management schemes that maintain and/or increase production, but at the same time conserve our soil and water resources and preserve the delicate balance in the agroecosystem. Continued increases in food and fiber crop production are essential for the future of humankind. Yet, increased production places increased pressure on our soil, water, and other finite resources. The challenge for crop scientists is to implement crop and soil management schemes that maintain and/or increase production, but at the same time conserve our soil and water resources and preserve the delicate balance in the agroecosystems. Course requirements in the Crop Management option are designed to acquaint students with the principles underlying crop and soil management. Thus soil fertility, plant physiology, crop production, crop breeding, and pest management, along with courses in the biological and physical sciences are included in this area of study. Graduates from this option find careers in farming and ranching; as crop production specialists; in pest management; in seed, fertilizer, and chemical industries; with banks and other lending institutions; Cooperative Extension Service and with a government agency such as the Natural Resource Conservation Service.
What can you do with a degree in Crop Science?
Occupations include:
- Crop consultant
- Pest management specialist
- Product representative with agri-business firm
- Seed production manager
- Farm or ranch manager
- Agronomist with NRCS
Crop Science Option Curriculum (per MSU catalog)
Crop Science Program
For Students
- Office of Admissions
- Office of the Registrar
- Student Employment, Internship, and Scholarship Opportunities
- Forms for restricted courses
Other Information
The Certified Crop Advisor Program is important for students who get employment in the Montana area. This program is offered through the American Society of Agronomy.
Links of Interest:
Montana Agriculture Student Loan Assistance Program
This program was developed to encourage Montana’s college-educated youth to pursue a primary career in farming or ranching; reduce financial stress on Montana’s farm and ranch operators; and promote succession planning to preserve interest in Montana’s agricultural future. Successful applicants may receive loan assistance for up to five years for qualified education loans.
A qualified farmer or rancher is eligible for student loan assistance for up to a maximum of five years. The total amount of loan repayment assistance may not exceed 50% of the total amount of educational loans outstanding. The minimum award amount under this program is $5,000 dispersed over a five-year period.
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