Jack Martin

Jack Martin, Professor Emeritus - Ph.D. from Iowa State University, 1978
Office: 314 Leon Johnson Hall
Phone: 406-994-5057
Application of quantitative genetic principles and methods in cultivar and germplasm development. Approach includes use of molecular markers and classical biometrical methods. Specific projects center on identification of quantitative trait loci effecting wheat end-use quality and agronomic traits.
Research: Quantitative genetics and plant breeding methodology; teaching BIOB 318 (Biometry) and PS 516 (Research design and analysis)
- B.S. Major Agronomy Iowa State University 1971
- M.S. Major Plant breeding Iowa State University 1974
- Ph.D. Major Plant Breeding Minor Statistics Iowa State University 1978
- American Society of Agronomy
- American Statistical Association
- Crop Science Society of America
- NIFA Proposal review panel 2010
- USDA-ARS CRIS review panel NP 301 - Plant Genetic Resources, Genomics and Genetic Improvement, 2013
- Associate editor, Crop Science (Plant breeding and genetics) 1995-2001
- Associate editor, Agronomy Journal (biometry and statistics) 2012-2015
- W-6 Regional project technical committee
- BIOB 318 Biometry 3 cr Fall semester
- PS 516 Research design & analysis 3 cr Fall semester
Martin, J. M., A. C. Hogg, P. Hofer, F. A. Manthey, and M. J. Giroux. 2014. Impacts of SSIIa-A Null allele on durum wheat noodle quality. Cereal Chem. 91:176-182.
Schlosser, A.J., J.M. Martin, B.S. Beecher, and M.J. Giroux. 2014. Enhanced rice growth is conferred by increased leaf ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase activity. J. Plant Physiol. Path. 2:4.
Sherman, J. D., J. M. Martin, N. K. Blake, S. P. Lanning, and L. E. Talbert. 2014. Genetic basis of agronomic differences between a modern and historical spring wheat cultivar. Crop Sci. 54:1-15.
Sherman, J.D., D. Nash, S.P. Lanning, J.M. Martin, N.K. Blake, C.F. Morris, and L.E. Talbert. 2014. Identification of QTL influencing wheat end-use quality in a cross between a modern semidwarf and a historical standard height cultivar. Crop Sci. 54:1972-1980
Talbert, L. E., J. D. Sherman, M. L. Hofland, S. P. Lanning, N. K. Blake, P. F. Lamb, J. M. Martin, and D. K. Weaver.. 2014. Resistance to Cephus cinctus Norton, the wheat stem sawfly, in a recombinant inbred line population of wheat derived from two resistance sources. Plant Breeding. 133:427-432.
Ten Major Publications:
Martin, J.M., J.E. Berg, P. Hofer, K.D. Kephart, D. Nash, and P.L. Bruckner. 2011. Allelic variation of polyphenol oxidase genes impacts on Chinese raw noodle color. J. Cereal Sci. 54:387-394.
Martin, J. M. J.E. Berg P. Hofer, K.D. Kephart, D. Nash, and P.L. Bruckner. 2010. Divergent selection for polyphenol oxidase and grain protein and their impacts on white salted noodle, bread and agronomic traits in wheat. Crop Sci. 50:1298-1309.
Feiz, L., B.S.Beecher, J.M. Martin, and M.J.Giroux. 2009. In planta mutagenesis determines the functional regions of the wheat puroindoline proteins. Genetics 1833:853-860.
Martin, J.M., B. Beecher, and M.J. Giroux. 2008. White salted noodle characteristics from transgenic isolines of wheat over expressing puroindolines. J. Cereal Sci. 48:800-807.
Wanjugi, H. W., A. C. Hogg, J. M. Martin, and M. J. Giroux. 2007. The influence of puroindoline A and B individually and in combination upon grain hardness and starch binding. Crop Sci. 47:67-76.
Martin, J. M. F. D. Meyer, C. F. Morris, and M. J. Giroux. 2007. Pilot scale milling characteristics of transgenic isolines of a hard wheat over-expressing puroindolines. Crop Sci. 47:.495-504.
Martin, J. M., F. D. Meyer, E. D. Smidansky, H. Wanjugi, A. E. Blechl, and M. J. Giroux. 2006. Complementation of the Pina (Null) allele with the wild type Pina sequence restores a soft phenotype in transgenic wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 113:1563-1570.
Martin, J. M., J. E. Berg, A. M. Fischer, A. K. Jukanti, K. D. Kephart, G. D. Kushnak, D. Nash, and P. L. Bruckner. 2005. Divergent selection for polyphenol oxidase and its influence on agronomic, milling, bread, and Chinese raw noodle quality traits. Crop Sci. 45:85-91.
Hogg, A. C., T. Sripo, B. Beecher, J. M. Martin, and M. J. Giroux. 2004. Wheat puroindolines interact to form friabilin and control wheat grain hardness. Theor. Appl. Genet. 108:1089-1097.
Martin, J. M., R. C. Frohberg, C. F. Morris, L. E. Talbert, and M. J. Giroux. 2001. Milling and bread baking traits associated with Puroindoline sequence type in hard red spring wheat. Crop Sci. 41: 228-234.
Investigate effect of variation at major genes affecting agronomic traits and end-use quality in wheat. This encompasses both field and laboratory based methods. Specific traits include plant height, stem solidness, grain texture, dough mixing characteristics, and Asian noodle color.
Undergraduate and graduate student advising
Integration of web-based materials into the classroom