Minutes and Committee Members

Release Proposed Action

SY Wolf

Joe Smith, Syngenta Seeds, Inc. - Motion that SY Woldf hard red winter wheat be considered for vareity recommendation in the state of Montana for all districts except 1 and 6.
SY Soren

Joe Smith, Syngenta Seeds, Inc. - Requests that "SY Soren" hard red spring wheat be considered for variety recommendation in the state of Montana. We move that SY Soren be recommended for all districts except 1 under irrigation and additionally, districts 2 and 6 under dryland.


Phil Bruckner, MSU - Motion MT0978 hard red winter wheat be approved for release in 2015, that MT0978 be named 'NARC1915', and that NARC1915 be recommended for districts 2, 3,4, and 5 as a protected MAES Public Release.

Jagalene, Norris, Bynum, Promontory,
and Genou

Phil Bruckner, MSU - Motion: That Jagalene (1.6% of 2014 acreage), Norris (0.8%), Bynum (0), Promontory (0), and Genou (6.6%) be removed from the Montana Winter Wheat Recommended Variety List.

 C17 Safflower

David Wichman, CARC - Motion that safflower line C17 be used in bird and ruminant wildlife food plots, cover corp mixtures, annual and late summer and fall graze, and safflower for grain (birdseed) in areas with elevations between 3300 to 4300 feet, areas typically too cool for safflower production.

C24 or Baldy

David Wichman, CARC - Motion that safflower line C24 or Baldy be used in bird and ruminant wildlife food plots, cover crop mixtures, and annual late summer and fall graze and for grain (birdseed).

 Sorghum Line

David Wichman, CARC - Motion that grain sorghum line 13sorg 23 be released to be used for wildlife feed and habit plots, cover crop plantings and for livestock feed forage.

 MSUPBL37A Norm Weeden, MSU - Motion that Montana State University pea breeding line 37A (MSUPBL37A) high-amylose yellow dry pea be approved for release in 2015. The recommendation is that it be a licensed release.